At nº 1, Eirexa Street, on the corner with Cabo da Vila square, we find this cornered coat of arms that is unique in the town. Of military style, it brings: 1º) a potent cross, which are weapons of the TEIXEIRA; 2nd) five fleur de lays flowers placed in a cross that could have been by Deza, ALDAO; 3º what seem to be five blackjacks put on stick and placed in a strip and 4º the trout of the GAIOSO. Crested with a tufted front helmet and ornamented with lambrequins and other figures. Coat of arms on a bracket supported by two rampant lions and superimposed on the cross of Santiago.
"Viana presides today, with its graceful farmhouse together with
a sparkling lake, the dam of the Bibei River that reflects
the gray and beautiful mountain range skies like the
songs and accent of the country ".
Ramón Otero Pedrayo

It is an imaginary, mix of animal and human being. It has a bulls body and bird wings. With its right hand it takes a woman's breast and with its left holds a knight´s helmet on which it also poses its legs.
Tenacious sexed lion, which stands on its hind legs supporting the shield.
A mythical being that is lying down with its upper half in the shape of a man and the lower half in the shape of a vegetable. It is playing a hunting horn.
Plumes decorating the sallet.
Arm of the Cross of Santiago.
Fleur de lays flowers placed in the form of a cross, symbol of the Alvarado family.
Potent cross, the symbol of the Martínez family.
Five ribs, emblem of the Acosta family. There is also the possibility that they are sticks.
Fruits, symbol of abundance.
A headpiece without crown, typical of a gentleman but looking straight ahead, as only kings, princes, dukes and marquises do.
Three trout placed in horizontal bands, emblem of the Gaiosos.